
A life of adventure and contemplative study of light make Light Finds owner Paul Hassell a delightful cure for the common speaker at your next engagement.

Please contact us to inquire about speaking topics, rates, and availability for your event.

For speaker's bio click here. For speaker's photo click here.


What others have said…


It's not often you get to hear the story behind a photograph, even less often to hear the story behind a man. Paul shared both in such an engaging way that informed and reminded me of my own story. I walked away inspired, wanting to remember more, and to start waking up before sunrise.

- Ben Bannister

I had the pleasure of hearing Paul Hassell speak recently and share his philosophy about life, his faith, and his phenomenal photography. Paul captivated me immediately with his personal presence, warmth and authenticity as he talked about his love of nature, East Tennessee, and all the creatures in it. Paul spoke of his early years dedicating himself to becoming great at what he loves -  photography - then in later years coupled this with his love of adventure, and the results are magnificent. Paul's photos transported our audience literally to the ends of the earth, with its peaks, valleys and oceans all captured in one-of-a-kind glorious images.

-Kim Wood

The “luminous energy” of light and the sensation produced by light or lack of it have been a lifelong “something” that has intrigued me. But I have never had someone put my own passion for light into words that helped to explain why staring at the clouds or looking at the shadows made by a tree on a windy spring day speak to my soul as Paul Hassell did when I heard him give a presentation recently. I have a new appreciation for this beautiful world and the phrase “carpe diem.”  Thank you Paul.

- Betty Girardeau